The Dominate Test Prep Podcast

30. 5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting Law School, with Dave Hall

Brett Ethridge / Dominate Test Prep

It's one thing to get in to a top law school. But how do you succeed once you're there? The three years of law school are intense. It's like "drinking from a fire hose," says this week's guest, Dave Hall. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to ensure that you're prepared for the onslaught and maximize your law school experience. Having just graduated from law school himself, Dave shares five (5) key "lessons learned" in this episode -- 5 things he wishes he had known before starting law school that could have helped him have even more success, and that can empower you to make the most of your own law school journey.

Specifically, Dave discusses:

  • Whether or not the law school you attend actually matters
  • The importance of maintaining a clearly-defined yet flexible routine
  • How to make time for what matters most (and no, you don't have to give up all of your hobbies during law school!)
  • Why cramming is detrimental to your performance and how to avoid it
  • The role of luck in your ultimate class ranking, and why you should view that as a good thing
  • The power of kindness not only for making the world a better place, but also for helping you to land a job after graduating
  • Tips for succeeding in a virtual classroom setting if your classes will be online this Fall
  • And more!

Before embarking on any new endeavor, it's always helpful to learn from those who have gone before you. Whether you're already in law school, are about to begin your first year, or are still a year or two away, what Dave shares in this discussion will help you maximize your success not only in the law school classroom, but also in life. Enjoy!


  1. Not yet accepted to your dream law school? Improve 10 points or score in the 99th percentile on the LSAT -- guaranteed! -- with Dave's industry-leading LSAT Prep Course:
  2. Contact Dave Hall directly at


“You seriously have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal life. So just be nice, it’s that simple.”House of Leaders

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