The Dominate Test Prep Podcast
The Dominate Test Prep Podcast
37. When is the Best Time to Take Your Exam?
Determining when to take your standardized test shouldn't be an arbitrary decision. But while there are a number of important factors to consider, it turns out that there is an ideal time to prepare for and take your exam -- and this episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast will lay it all out for you.
Specifically, we discuss four key considerations that apply to test takers for all standardized tests. We then drill down and walk through a specific example showing how you can work backwards from your application deadlines to figure out exactly when you need to schedule your test -- and perhaps more importantly, when you need to start studying for it in earnest.
Whether you're just starting to think about how your standardized test fits in to the application process or you've already been studying and need to lock in an official test date, there will be plenty in this episode to steer you in the right direction and give you a workable game plan.
Visit https://www.dominatetestprep.com for detailed study plans and comprehensive prep courses for all of the major standardized tests.
SOMEDAY ISLE, by Denis Waitley
There's an Island fantasy
A "Someday I'll" we'll never see
When recession stops, inflation ceases
Our mortgage is paid, our pay increases
That Someday I'll where problems end
Where every piece of mail is from a friend
Where all the nations can go it alone
Where we all retire at forty-one
Playing backgammon in the island sun
Most unhappy people look to tomorrow
To erase this day's hardship and sorrow
They put happiness on lay-away
And struggle through a blue today
But happiness cannot be sought
It can't be earned, it can't be bought
Life's most important revelation
Is that the journey means more than the destination
Happiness is where you are right now
Pushing a pencil or pushing a plow
Going to school or standing in line
Watching and waiting, or tasting the win
If you live in the past you become senile
If you live in the future you're on Someday I'll
The fear of results is procrastination
The joy of today is a celebration
You can save, you can slave, trudging mile after mile
But you'll never set foot on your Someday I'll
When you've paid all your dues and put in your time
Out of nowhere comes another Mt. Everest to climb
From this day forward make it your vow
Take Someday I'll and make it your now!
"Don't let fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale
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