The Dominate Test Prep Podcast
The Dominate Test Prep Podcast
43. What Corporate Recruiters are Looking For, with Jemima Makis
While people go back to school for a variety of reasons, in many cases it's to enhance their career prospects with the long-term goal of landing a great job upon graduation. But what goes in to getting that dream job? What are the steps in the hiring process? Should you pursue an internship first? What exactly are potential employers looking for in candidates and what can you do to stand out from your competitors?
To help answer these and other questions about the corporate recruiting landscape, we turn to special guest Jemima Makis, Director of Human Resources at Senior Aerospace. With 20+ years of experience in HR and corporate recruiting / hiring, Jemima knows exactly what results in some applicants being hired and others not. During this wide-ranging conversation, we discuss:
- Different avenues for identifying job openings, and why it's so important that you choose to apply to companies that align with your values
- How interning at a company can give you a leg up in landing a full-time job down the road
- The importance of having a "wow factor" beyond just meeting the minimum job requirements so that you stand out in a competitive hiring environment
- Résumé do's and don'ts
- When it makes sense to submit a cover letter, and what it should include
- The mindset to adopt heading into your first interview
- The value of the school you attend, and what your advanced degree says about you as a potential employee
- Traits of new hires that "stick" with the company long-term, and conversely why certain employees don't end up working out
- What to do if you don't get hired for the specific job you're applying for
- And more!
Whether you're still on the front end of your academic career, you're nearing graduation, or you're already out in the workforce and looking to land your next great job, the insight Jemima shares in this episode will help you put your best foot forward and dramatically improve your chances of getting hired. Enjoy!
- Connect with Jemima on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jemimaalvarado/
- Prepare for your standardized test with Dominate Test Prep's industry-leading prep courses: https://www.dominatetestprep.com/store
If you enjoyed this episode, we encourage you to check out these other relevant episodes of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast:
- Episode 28: The Value of an MBA, with Tim Munyon
- Episode 16: Is Harvard Really Worth It? with Jake Taylor
- Episode 42: GMAT vs. GRE for MBA Admissions
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” — e. e. cummings
“When the opportunity comes, it’s
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